Intelligent marketing and analytics
Decrease Out Of Stock, promote your product, get comprehensive analytics online
We created device and software that increase producer's and retailer's profits
Now it's time to strengthen your position integrating innovative solutions
Control all your goods at the point of sale in real time
Manage promotions, sales and prices in one click from everywhere
Analyze the results of your work and recent strategy changes
What is ADVIN system
We developed and patented a unique controller and software
What's inside the device:
- Distance sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Weight sensor
- GSM modem
- RFID controller
The whole shop on your hand:
- online indication of all equipped shelves
- comparative statistics for any parameters
- import of data
- access to certain data for certain departments and workers
- integration with CRM and ERP systems via API
- control for presence of merchandisers

Personal account is simple and intuitive
Adaptive design
Always under your control
- adapted for mobile devices
- notifications about defined triggers in messengers
- control from everywhere
- individual settings in order to meet your company's needs
What tasks does ADVIN solve
1. Out Of Stock
How do customers react to out of stock
A Multi-Billion-Dollar problem
the Coca-Cola
Executive Summary 1996
Quotation of Coca-Cola's report from 1996 is not casual here. Indeed, OOS (Out Of Stock) is a multi-billion problem. According to numerous researches (MEMRB RETAIL TRACKING SERVICES, 2006; Aastrup, J. and Kotzab, H., 2010; The Coca-Cola; 1996), the index of OOS is near 8%. In financial terms, these 8% are $39mln from every $1bln. According to these same researches, staff of the store is responsible for 72% of situations that cause OOS. Just think: 25% of goods, that are absent on the shelves, are at the store. Worker just doesn't know about the lack of the good, and doesn't take it out from the storage of the shop. Another 47% of goods are absent on the shelves as responsible person can't form a correct and forehanded order.
You get the complete control over the goods flow
Control of product remnants
Continual monitoring of quantity of goods on the shelf. Notification of the responsible person in case remnants of goods are critically low
Temperature of goods
Controlling the temperature around products allows to avoid them got rotten if the fridge turns off, for example.
Procurement forecast
Using analytics and schedule of procurement you can easily optimize your supply to avoid OOS
2. Control of merchandisers
What are the problems about their work today?
Constant expenditures for control
It's necessary to control your employees
Work with paper reports
Endless expenditures for the analysis department. Unavoidable mistakes due to the human factor
Hiring outside merchandisers
When all your employees can't cover all the points of sales
Excessive expenses on merchandisers won't bring you a desired result if employee comes to the point of sale by schedule but not by demand. In shop "A" which is first in list shelf is full and there's no any problem, while in shop "Z" shelf is empty. But merchandiser will find this out only two days later after checking the point of sale by schedule - and that's in case merchandiser gets there just in planned time. But is possible to control the army of merchandisers? In some cases shelf can stay empty up to 5 days in row. But despite the lost of sales you do not even know about this employee will get their salary full-scale. Now you get the lost-cost-bingo.

The system both helps merchandisers to work and you to control them

Notifications about remnants
Responsible employee will get a notification in case of low balance of products. If the problem isn't solved in a defined period of time the notification is sent to the manager.
Merchandiser's work with shelf
Built-in RFID controller shows who and when worked with the shelf. All data is accumulated in your personal account online and is gathered into merchandiser's work report.
Rewards for outside workers
Involving workers i.e. to point of sales with rewards for every shelf replenishment. It won't be enough just to check in with RFID tag. System will compare presense of mechandiser with the fact of replenishment
3. Over of Stock
Excessive quantity of goods hides losses inside
Warehouse costs
You pay for storage of unnecessary goods with rent, bills for heating and salaries of staff
Lack of space
While excess unnecessary goods take up more space, you may not have enough place for popular and profitable goods
Losses from spoilage
For example, a good hasn't been sold until the expiration date. Forcing a sale, returning a product or disposing of it is always an extra losses
Optimized logistics
Form an order forecast
On the basis of collected data about the dynamics of the goods on the shelf, conversion and delivery schedules, we form a purchase order
We stick the TOC
Offering quantity of products to be supplied, the system is guided by TOC (Theory of constraints) algorithms to prevent over of stock
We activate the promotion
The system detects an over-of-stock good and suggests creating a promocampaign for it. The campaign starts in one click from your personal account
4. Online information
Lack of operational data makes it impossible to respond to challenges in time
Incorrect forecasts
Incorrect forecasts
The information that is taken into account while planning future actions can be outdated. False forecasts lead to OOS
The cost of analytics
Data received from different sources in different forms requires to be structured and gathered it into a consolidated document and this leads to extra expenditures.
The human factor
Information processed by a person inevitably leads to mistakes and takes considerable time after which the information becomes irrelevant for decision making
Instant analytics and forecasts
The data in the personal account
All data is available in the personal account online. Any deviations from the norm are recorded along with the instant notification of responsible persons. Notification triggers are set for each product individually.
Analysis of any indicators
Correlation coefficients, price elasticities or any other parameter are available to be analyzed online. Any analytical database can be formed for every user if needed
Real-time changes
Change the price of goods on electronic pricetags across the network instantly. Run a promo campaign in any single store, region, or entire network with one click.
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